Pterygium (pronounced “tur-IJ-ee-um”) is commonly referred to as “surfer’s eye” or “farmer’s eye”
A pterygium is a triangle-shaped, noncancerous growth on the eye. Although it’s not typically a medical emergency and it may clear up on its own, some patients may experience symptoms such as:
Astigmatism (if the shape of your cornea becomes distorted)
Blurry vision (if the pterygium covers your pupil)
Feeling of a foreign sensation
Redness, burning, or itching
Risk Factors
Genetics: Pterygium can be hereditary
Age: it is more common over 40
Gender: men are more susceptible
Outdoor Activities: exposure to sun
Immune System Disorders
Preventing Pterygium
Wear UV protection sunglasses when outdoors
Reduce your exposure to dusty, windy and low-humidity environments
Wear wide-brim hats to shield your eyes from the sun
If you notice a growth on your eye, it is best to have it checked by a medical professional.
You may be at greater risk due to exposure to damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.
We offer Pterygium Removal options including treatment and surgery!
Treating Pterygium
If your symptoms are causing you distress, our team can help.
We may recommend treatments to reduce irritation:
Over-the-counter eye ointments
Lubricated eyedrops
Prescription medications
We can also discuss surgical options and work out a payment plan that suits your needs!