
The retina is a crucial but hidden part of your eye, located at the back as a delicate layer of tissue. It functions like film in a camera, capturing incoming light and converting it into electrical signals. These signals are sent to the brain through the optic nerve, where they are translated into the images you see.

Various conditions such as retinal detachment, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy can impair the retina's ability to process light, leading to symptoms like dark spots, wavy lines, flashes of light, and faded colors. In severe cases, these issues can cause vision loss or blindness. Click below to request an appointment today to get screened for one of these conditions!
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Retina Diseases

Maintaining good eye health is essential. Regular eye exams can help detect and treat retinal problems early, preserving your vision. At Azul Vision, we seek to emphasize the critical role of the retina in vision and the importance of proactive eye care.

Click on the links below to learn more about the retina diseases we treat:

Retina Treatments

At Azul Vision, we offer a variety of treatments for the many types of retinal diseases. It is necessary for our team to fully assess your eye health to determine which type of treatment could help manage your condition and hopefully restore or protect your vision. We focus primarily on two approaches to treating retina diseases:


A vitrectomy is an advanced surgical procedure that addresses a range of retinal and vitreous issues. By removing the vitreous, this surgery allows for detailed repair of retinal detachments, macular holes, and diabetic retinopathy effects. Postoperative recovery may involve filling the eye with gas or silicone oil to stabilize the retina. Take the first step towards regaining your sight – request an appointment today to discuss how vitrectomy can restore the quality of your sight!

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy is a precision intervention for retinal conditions, using a light-activated drug to target and seal off abnormal blood vessels caused by wet macular degeneration, among other diseases. After the medication is administered, a laser activates the drug right at the problematic area, helping to mitigate vision impairment. Multiple sessions may be required, and outcomes can vary.
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